The Bookworm: Elsbeth and the Pirate’s Treasure by J. Bean Palmer
- Title: Elsbeth and the Pirate’s Treasure
- Series: Cape Cod Witch Series
- Author: J. Bean Palmer
- Illustrations: Melanie Therrien
- Format: E-book 75 pages
- Publisher:
- Published: January 27 2014
- Genre: Middle Grade, Adventure
- Source: Gifted for Review
- Buy: Amazon
In an apple core (The Bookworm’s version of a nutshell)
An adventurous story about a young witch who learns to use her powers to do good, with the help of several magical friends. A tale about pirates and hidden treasure that is sure to delight young readers with colourful illustrations to boot. A perfect little read for children and parents alike.
ElsBeth Amelia Thistle, the youngest witch on Cape Cod, is involved in all the normal aspects of growing up. Her teacher Ms. Finch is a horror, like something out of one of those scary movies her grandmother would never let her watch. And the obnoxious Robert Hillman-Jones has it in for her.
But when Halloween approaches in the sleepy Cape Cod town, a never-quite-forgotten pirate’s treasure awakens some serious trouble. ElsBeth and her friend Johnny Twofeathers, chief-to-be of the local Wampanoag tribe, together with a cast of spirited classmates and curious magical creatures (including two troublesome fairies from the old country), must face off against dangerous outsiders – and the notorious pirate Billy Bowlegs – to restore the balance of past and present, good and evil. Originally in print as The Cape Cod Witch and the Pirates Treasure, this enhanced and expanded edition includes twenty-one original, full-color illustrations.
My Thoughts
When I first started this story, I was instantaneously reminded of my favourite childhood witch, Sabrina. ElsBeth too is a young witch, learning new magical lessons every day from her dear old grandmother, Hannah. We follow ElsBeth as she tackles school and bullies and are introduced to the other lively characters around her in her home in Cape Cod.
In this book, Halloween is around the corner, a mysterious time for the folks living in Cape Cod. There is an old tale about a pirate’s treasure still hidden away in its final resting place. And, it can only be accessed this Halloween day. Some sneaky boys from ElsBeth’s class have gotten together to explore this interesting place and of course, landed themselves in a very sticky situation. It’s up to ElsBeth and a few of her special friends to come to their rescue!
ElsBeth is a great little character, curious and smart. I look forward to reading about her new upcoming adventures as she grows into a proper witch. Children are sure to like her and be able to relate to her.
This book is just the right length for Middle Graders with some lovely coloured illustrations to break up the chapters and ensure that no reader will ever get bored reading this story. I loved the use of such vibrant colours as they gave more life to the whole story and helps capture the imagination! Even I had a wonderful time reading this book, even though I am way too adult to actually qualify for this genre. I am sure both children and parents alike will enjoy this read, no matter at the bedside or cuddled up together by the fire.
In The Cape Cod Witch Series, J Bean Palmer calls upon her family’s long history in New England including a Revolutionary “Green Mountain Boy”, Cape Cod cranberry farmers and artists, and an oft-told family legend that as her grandmother’s ancestors stepped off the Mayflower, her grandfather’s relatives were there to greet them. With a degree in Environmental Science (summa cum laude, University of Maine), the author’s ElsBeth stories reflect a passion and respect for the natural world and its magical kinship.
Give J. Bean Palmer a buzz
Disclosure: I was sent the e-book for review but was not compensated financially or otherwise. Everything mentioned are my own thoughts based on my experience.
May 12, 2014 at 8:40 pm (11 years ago)it does sound cute^^ is Elsbeth in a kind of magical school or she goes to a normal one aside from her witch lessons? i’m not sure from your review
but really even for grow up it sound tempting^^
thank you for the discovery
May 12, 2014 at 8:42 pm (11 years ago)Hi miki,
She goes to a normal school. No one is supposed to know she’s a witch, just like in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Witch lessons are from granny at home. It is a really sweet read indeed.
Thanks for commenting!
May 12, 2014 at 8:49 pm (11 years ago)thank you for answering quickly, it’s really getting even more interesting then^^
Chris Palmer
May 12, 2014 at 9:12 pm (11 years ago)Hi Miki,
This is Chris Palmer, co-author with my wife J Bean (who’s first name is Jo-Anne, but she doesn’t like that so much and prefers Annie, and Bean is her maiden name). ElsBeth Amelia Thistle is the youngest witch on Cape Cod, and she goes to a usual sort of school with her non-magical but spirited classmates. She studies magic with her grandmother Hannah Goodspell, and she is helped and learns more from her familiar (Professor Badinoff, a bat) and Sylvanas, the magical cat (who likes to be referred to as “His Blackness”). I hope that helps some with your question and would be happy to share more if you’d like. All the best, Chris Palmer