Random Thoughts: I’m Back!!

Hi y’all.

I know, it’s been a while since I was last here. Things have changed so much in a year it’s unbelievable. In the past year both my grandfathers got sick, don’t ask me why, but it was partly, I believe, due to age. And last year, I eventually lost both said grandfathers. POOF! In one year! Crazy really. Suddenly am all out of grandfathers.

I also became an aunty. For a second and third time! These are good things at least. Except I haven’t met #3 yet, he’s too young to travel.

Work. What can one say about it. It’s been tough. Imagine already being stressed and then have a colleague disappear for a few months due to maternity leave. OMG! I’m shocked I still have hair! I will persevere. Although there are days that know no end I tell you. I hope they’ll be few and far between for the next few months. A girl can hope can’t she?

As I haven’t been blogging much, or at all really, to be honest, I have had slightly more time to do one thing. READING! I read the most books last year than I have in I don’t even know how long. So that was another good thing that happened last year. I hope to get those reviews out to ya soon so do stick around. I do appreciate it when you leave your thoughts. It’s always good to know someone’s out there.

i also popped in to say one thing, that there’s one author who somehow always knows how to get me out of my blogging hibernations. His new novel is out and he let me review it! Woo hoo! So check it out y’all! I hope you’ll like it as much as I did. It’s a really light read so do pick up a copy and fall in love with it too.

See ya soon!


1 Comment on Random Thoughts: I’m Back!!

  1. miki
    May 16, 2016 at 11:01 am (8 years ago)

    *hugs* you know i’m only an email away if you need to ” speak a little”^^ ( and a letter should be on its way soon)


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