Face It: Is Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1, Rave or Rant?

Now, in honour of the Kiehl’s Berry Birthday Party coming up, I have decided to review (or try to) 1 Kiehl’s product everyday.

First up is their Lip Balm #1! I have an equal amount of read raves and rants about this product. But as everyone knows, they don’t matter unless the product actually works on you! If they call it Lip Balm #1 there MUST be something good about it right? So, did it work for me? Let’s find out!

Here’s my story. A few months ago, on a Singaporean trip, the weather was bad. Really bad. It was scorching and blazing every single day. To cut it short, my lips ended up chapped, cracked, bruised, and painful! It was torture as I am quite sensitive to the heat of the sun. the worst part was that I smeared goops of my then favourite lip product, Vaseline, all over my lips. Just so you know it was an SPF 15 product and yet I got burnt! This sensation continued even after I returned home from my trip and with copious amount of yet again, Vaseline. But it wouldn’t budge!

Then a lightbulb went on in my head. What better time to try out the much touted Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1!? So off I went to the store and smeared some on while browsing through their many products. Just a few hours later I realized, the painful, cracked lips of mine had vanished! As if into thin air believe it or not. I ended up buying some of course. Nowadays I use Vaseline for my normal condition (I sill have to finish it up right) and Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1 when my lips aren’t doing so well. How I wish I was introduced to it sooner! Think of the pain I could have avoided. I think the SPF 4 would have helped lots.

It has a nice texture too. Quite firm coming out of the tube, unlike the goopy Vaseline you get on hot days. This one has no scent so for those who dislike scented products, this is for you! The lip balm also comes in several seasonal flavours during the Christmas season but so far have not been very impressed by them. I found them too light in scent. It is also non-greasy which makes me like it so much more! I already bought a back-up! This baby is going in my carry-all every time I go on a trip. I am not going to risk getting sick lips again!

Loves: very moisturizing, no scent, firm texture, non-greasy, comes with SPF 4
Gripes: NONE!!

So far, I must say that this is my LE lip balm. Not even Chapstick has worked this good!

Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1 comes in tube-form of 15ml as well as a small tub, of which I am not sure of the size. This baby retails at RM 29 at all Kiehl’s outlets throughout Malaysia.

Have you ever tried this product? How did it work out for you?

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this review financially or otherwise. Everything mentioned are my own thoughts based on my experience.

6 Comments on Face It: Is Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1, Rave or Rant?

  1. Jean
    January 11, 2010 at 2:31 am (15 years ago)

    My lips always cracked too!
    After reading this I feel like I must buy one!!

  2. Abby
    January 11, 2010 at 11:06 am (15 years ago)

    Hey Jean,

    Yeah. I didn’t really believe until I tried it myself. And i works! Happiness!

    Do try ya. And let me know how it goes!

  3. CY
    January 18, 2010 at 3:11 am (15 years ago)

    Hah…. I gave mine to my korean friend when i was in seoul.

    it retails for 21,000 won in Korea. about RM65 if i were to buy it there.. crazy expensive. LOL

  4. Abby
    January 18, 2010 at 2:20 pm (15 years ago)

    Hey CY,

    Welcome back! Aww how nice of you.

    I read! OMG that is crazy! Guess we can only buy Korean branded products in Korea.

    Thank goodness Kiehl’s here is cheaper or I doubt they would be so popular.

  5. Sharon
    April 1, 2010 at 8:22 pm (15 years ago)

    Yes, Kiehl’s lip balm #1 is indeed a very good product, my HG lip balm. I like how it moisturizes and relieves my chapped lips almost instantly..

    Kiehl’s lip balm in Malaysia (RM29) is indeed cheaper than Singapore’s, our stores selling at (SG$17 ~ RM39) it was so good that I bought 6 of them..

    I am giving away 3 Kiehl’s full size lip products in my giveaway..

    Check this out:

  6. Abby
    April 2, 2010 at 4:42 pm (15 years ago)

    Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for your great comment! It is my HG too! You must stock up every time you come here then. It is quite a saving!

    And thank you for your giveaway info. I am sure to check it out!


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